Green Ghana project set to train 300 women in Ghana

As part of efforts to grow Ghana’s green economy, the European Union and its development partners are set to train 300 women in Kumasi, Koforidua and Accra into gainful employment either as entrepreneurs or qualified personnel in plastic recycling, organic waste management or sustainable forestry under the Green Economy Ghana Project. At least 70 companies […]


The Ghana Sweden Chamber of Commerce (GSCC) was registered as a Limited Liability Company in May 2014. After operating a little over three years, it was re-registered as a non-profit organization registered as a company limited by guarantee under the Companies Code of Ghana, Acts 179, 1963, on 15th November 2017. The chamber is a […]

WHO on Sweden’s strategy: May be a future model

Sweden’s way of acting during the corona pandemic may be a model for the future. This is the opinion of WHO crisis management officer Michael J Ryan. What has been done differently is that you have really trusted your own population. The world’s eyes were once again directed at Sweden during the World Health Organization’s […]

Sweden becomes first country with its own phone number

Got any burning questions to ask about Sweden? Here’s your chance. On Wednesday it became the world’s first country to get its own phone number – and The Local has of course tried it out. “I got a bit of a shock when you called. I thought what should I say and in what language?” […]


THE EARTH WILL BE HOME TO SOME 10 BILLION PEOPLE BY 2050, AND 70 % OF THEM WILL LIVE NEAR THE ALREADY CROWDED COASTS, PUTTING EVEN MORE PRESSURE ON SCARCE RESOURCES. THEY WILL ALL NEED AFFORDABLE, SUSTAINABLE POWER. Already today, thousands of islands and underserved areas around the world rely on expensive, polluting diesel generators and are […]

Sweden’s national bank warns of e-currency scam

False information about digital currency is being circulated online in Sweden, the country’s central bank said on Monday. Sweden’s Riksbank has repeatedly raised the idea of ‘e-krona’ or digital currency in recent years, but on Monday reiterated that a project launched in 2017 to look into the possibility of launching such a currency had not […]

Key African Central Banks to hold rates on CPI, oil prices

Africa’s key central banks are expected to hold benchmark interest rates at their first meetings of the year – albeit for different reasons. While the drop in oil prices could give South African and Kenyan policy makers room to hold off on further rate increases, currency pressures could keep the central bank in Ghana from […]

Kasoa Flyover

The construction of the 715 metres Kasoa Main Interchange is complete and ready for use by motorists after the scheduled inauguration of the project by President John Dramani Mahama on Tuesday evening. The opening of the interchange is expected to ease traffic on the Kasoa Road as drivers from Cape Coast and those from Accra […]


The Kwame Nkrumah Interchange will be fully opened to traffic today. To officially open the interchange, the Brazilian construction firm, Quieiroz Galvao, will hand over the project to the government this morning. The project, funded with a loan from the Brazilian government, is expected to ease traffic, reduce travel time for commuters and vehicle operating […]

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